Friday, August 27, 2010

First Blog Assignment

The objectives of this class are to introduce us to the new form of literacy called "electracy". We, the students, will create arguments in which we analyze and interpret popular media. We will also compose narratives, images, and expressive figures while also developing composition skills through blogging and other online forms.

Some information about me is that I am currently a senior at the University of Florida. I intend to graduate in May after a Spring internship as a Health Education and Behavior major. After graduation, I hope to enroll in an Accelerated Nursing program and later enroll in a specialty-nursing program for anesthesiology. Since I was younger, I have been interested in dance. I attended a school of the arts for both middle school and high school, so I have loved learning new forms of expression and thought. Overall, I enjoy viewing films that really leave me wondering how else I can it can be viewed. I am interested in becoming acquainted with electronic media forms such as blogging and creating short videos. I am especially interested in the blog assignment in which we are to analyze iconic photographs in different contexts. I hope to see some images that I am more familiar with. It is sometimes difficult for me to think outside the box. At times, I am very literal so I look forward to analyzing YouTube images. It might allow be to become more creative and thoughtful as I interpret them. Mainly, I hope to show signs of improvement throughout the course. 

This image represents the essence of this class and what I hope to achieve from this class: electronic creativity. I hope to become more able to think freely as well as develop my creative skills through composition. I feel that it is going to be essential as a professional to be able to write well and right now, my writing skills are undeveloped. I am excited to see how this class will test my weaknesses while also strengthening my confidence in my writing. This image represents online forms of media as well as electronic media. 

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